In Fine Feather

1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.)
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Plantain Chips

I seriously love plantains. I need to move to the Bahamas so I can have a tree in my back yard I think. 
These chips actually taste a lot like tortilla chips, and are great to eat with guacamole, or by themselves, or with anything really!! I prefer green plantains, because the riper they get the sweeter they are and I don't like them super sweet. This takes me a while to cook a whole plantain because I like to use a small pan so I don't use a ton of coconut oil, because lets face it, coconut oil is precious.

Plantain Chips:
Green plantains
Coconut oil
Salt (optional)

wash and peel the plantain(s), slice into thin rounds. the thinner the better, mine are about as thick as a dime.

Heat coconut oil in small pan (1/8in deep with oil), medium- medium high.

Add plantains to hot oil and fry until golden browned on each side, remove cooked plantains and let them dry on a towel so they crisp up (now is the time to add the optional salt).

Repeat until all plantain rounds are fried!

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