In Fine Feather

1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.)
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Meatball in a Mushroom

These mushrooms are so good. But I think literally anything that involves mushrooms and meatballs is good. Actually I just really like food so I think that's it!

Meatball in a Mushroom

1 dzn large mushrooms, give or take (1 package usually does it)
1/2 large onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp dry ground ginger
2 T almond meal
2 T chopped cilantro
salt and pepper
8oz lean ground pork
coconut oil, or another cooking fat

Clean mushrooms, and separate the mushrooms caps and stems.
Chop stems.
In a large pot over Medium heat add oil/fat and saute the garlic and ginger for 30 seconds.
add the onion and stems and saute until soft.
remove from heat.
add almond meal, cilantro, salt and pepper, and pork.
Mix well.
roll into small balls and stuff the mushrooms caps until meat is all used up.
place the stuff mushroom caps on a baking sheet.
Bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes

Almond Bread (in the microwave)

In case you wanted to read my sob story on why I made this tasty little delicacy you can go HERE to read it, otherwise get your mug out and mix this tasty batter up! 

Paleo Bread Mug (in the microwave)

1/3 c almond flour
1/2 T coconut flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
1 egg, beaten
2 T coconut oil, melted (or ghee, olive oil, etc)

Grease mug (I use spray coconut oil).
In a separate bowl mix together all ingredients, pour into mug, microwave on high for 90 seconds.
Let cool for a moment, then gently pop out of mug.
That easy!
This recipe is easy to add things to, so make it your own!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Baked Fajitas

These chicken fajitas were so good, my whole family enjoyed them. I enjoyed them just as a protein veggie dinner, and my husband loved them on a tortilla. No matter how you indulge, you can do no wrong.

They were so quick and easy, and the recipe is totally freezable so you can pull it out for super-quick dinner nights.

1lb skinless chicken, cut into strips
15oz can, diced tomatoes (drained)
1 medium onion, sliced
1 large bell pepper, seeded, sliced
1T coconut oil
1tsp chili powder
1T cilantro (dried works too)
1/2tsp garlic powder
1/2tsp dried oregano
1/4tsp sea salt
fresh lime juice

preheat oven to 400F degrees
Grease 9x13 dish with coconut oil.
Mix together tomatoes, peppers, and onions in dish.
In small bowl combine oil, and spices.
Toss and coat the chicken breast strips into the oil/spice mix.
Combine chicken and veggies in baking dish.
Bake uncovered for 20-25 minutes or until chicken is cooked, and veggies are tender.
spritz with lime juice and eat alone, or with a friend..just kidding, I was going to say tortilla. Eat alone, or with a tortilla. Hilarious.

Stuffed Mushroom

These are sinful. Perfect to add to a meal, or take to a potluck! I was lucky enough to have my friend over while I mixed ingredients together searching for the perfect stuffed mush, she led me in the right direction and gave me her approval. She knows her stuff. Thanks B.

Stuffed Mushrooms
1/4c Cashew cream (you can find this here in my recipes)
2 slices of Bacon, cooked and chopped
1/2t Chives
1/4t Garlic
1T Almond meal
1/2t Jalapeno
6-10 Mushroom caps
2 Stem of mushroom, chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste

You will need to make the cashew cream before making the stuffed mushrooms, the cashews must soak overnight so plan ahead!

preheat oven to 400F degrees
mix all ingredients together except the mushrooms caps
wash mushroom caps and place on baking sheet
stuff with cashew cream mixture
bake for 10-12 minutes

These also freeze really, really well! After I bake them I let them cool and then I wrap them up in plastic and stick them in a freezer bag. reheat at 375F - 400F for 8-10min.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Chicken Nuggets

I was nervous to make these chicken nuggets because I thought my hopes were set to high, and by too high I mean I just wanted them to taste like chicken nuggets. Ya know? Well, I am happy to report these chicken nuggets are BOMB (and in a good way)!
My husband is leery of all paleo meals, but is often a good sport and will sample them. Both my husband and my Owen loved these!
They seriously taste like chicken nuggets, and by chicken nuggets I mean way better than any frozen kind you will buy at the grocery store. Seriously, no joke!
I paired these with my homemade ranch, and my homemade ketchup! YUMM! So good!

Chicken Nuggets

1lb chicken breast, cut into 1-2inch pieces
1 egg, beaten
1c almond flour
1/2tsp salt, or seasoning salt
coconut oil

Mix almond meal and salt together in a bowl.
Dip chicken in egg, then dip in almond meal mix and coat well.
Heat enough coconut oil to coat the pan, on medium-high heat.
Cook chicken for 2-3 minutes on each side or until done.
Transfer to paper towel to absorb extra oil.

Recipe originated from Homemadetoast

Friday, August 29, 2014

Creamy Clam Chowder

I can not believe all the things you can do with cashews! It is truly amazing, and their flavor just takes on whatever you pair it with. I am in awe every time I think about a cashew.
Also, I am a sucker for chowder so I was really happy to have this experiment WORK OUT! I feel as though cashews have opened a whole new door to cream based soups, and now that fall is approaching I foresee a lot of cashew cream soups, and squash in my future. I can't wait. Literally.
The soup is just as creamy, thick and delicious as chowder made with loads of cream. This was even better as leftovers, I love leftovers!
Also, the potatoes are just fine to leave out to make it 100% paleo. The only regret you will have after making this, is not making it sooner. Seriously!

Creamy Clam Chowder
2c raw cashews (soaked over night under water)
3-6 slices of bacon (make sure it is compliant)
1c yellow onion, chopped
1/2tsp celery seed
1 1/2c celery, chopped
1c potato, chopped
4c water
1/8tsp ground thyme
1 bay leaf
1/2tsp sea salt
1/2tsp table salt
1/2tsp pepper
4 (6.5oz) cans of minced or chopped clams AND their juice (make sure there is no sugar added)

Chop up your bacon and cook it in a soup pot for a few minutes until the fat has rendered.
Stir in the onions, celery, celery seed and potato. Saute for about 12 minutes or until veggies are cooked.
Add the water, juice from the cans of clams(approx 2 cups), thyme, bay leaf, salts, and pepper. Cover and simmer 15-20 minutes.
Drain and rinse the cashews place them in the blender, remove 2 cups of soup broth from pot, and pour it in the blender with the cashews and blend until smooth.
Pour cashew mixture back into soup pot
Add clams to pot, stir, and cook for 5-10 minutes more.

Note: as the soup cools, it will thicken up a little more.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Plantain Chips

I seriously love plantains. I need to move to the Bahamas so I can have a tree in my back yard I think. 
These chips actually taste a lot like tortilla chips, and are great to eat with guacamole, or by themselves, or with anything really!! I prefer green plantains, because the riper they get the sweeter they are and I don't like them super sweet. This takes me a while to cook a whole plantain because I like to use a small pan so I don't use a ton of coconut oil, because lets face it, coconut oil is precious.

Plantain Chips:
Green plantains
Coconut oil
Salt (optional)

wash and peel the plantain(s), slice into thin rounds. the thinner the better, mine are about as thick as a dime.

Heat coconut oil in small pan (1/8in deep with oil), medium- medium high.

Add plantains to hot oil and fry until golden browned on each side, remove cooked plantains and let them dry on a towel so they crisp up (now is the time to add the optional salt).

Repeat until all plantain rounds are fried!