Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Stuffed Jalapenos

Oh. My. Word. I was really excited to try out the cream sauce recipe and even more excited to have some stuffed jalapenos! When I made the sauce I tried it plain, and though it was good I was a little skeptical. But, since I had made it this far I better go ahead and stuff the peppers, and I am so glad I did!
They seriously taste JUST like a stuffed pepper (obviously..because it is a stuffed pepper..), almost cheesy even! Give these a try, you can thank me later. I am actually on my way to the store to get more jalapenos..

I had a couple peppers for breakfast with fried eggs, and apple sauce. The best ever!

Ok this is what you need!
1/2 cup cashews
1T fresh, or 1/2T dry chives
2tsp lemon juice
8 jalapenos (cut in half)
8 slices of bacon (cut in half), make sure this is Whole30 compliant!

Lets get started!

Cashew Cream Sauce
1/2 cup cashews (overnight soaked)
1T fresh chives, or 1/2T dried chives
2tsp lemon juice
dash of salt

Let cashews soak over night covered in water. After soaking drain water so the cashews are only half covered.
Add all ingredients to blender or processor and blend until smooth. It took me about 5 minutes of blending and scraping the sides before I had a creamy sauce.

Cut 8 jalapenos in half and remove seeds
fill with sauce and then wrap with bacon halves.
Place on baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 20- 30 minutes until bacon is crispy.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Coconut Flour Tortillas

Have you done much with coconut flour? I really like the taste of it, it goes well with most things. It is also super absorbent, a little really goes a long ways. I made these Coconut Flour Tortillas today with a recipe from Against all Grain, and I thought they were more delightful to eat by themselves then with anything else. So I ate one by myself, and I ate one with my yummy Chicken & Avocado Salad and it was amazing!

Coconut Tortillas
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup egg whites
3/4 cup almond milk

Mix all ingredients together (a hand whisk is fine) and then let sit for a few minutes so the coconut flour absorbs some of the moisture.
Heat skillet on Medium heat, melt or spray some coconut oil in the skillet.
Pour 1/4 cup batter into skillet and swirl skillet around so the bottom is thinly coated with batter.
Cook for about 1 minute, then flip over and brown the other side.
Voila! Cooks just like a crepe!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Salsa, Best Ever!

This salsa recipe originated from The Pioneer Woman. She really knows her stuff. Why change something that is so perfect? Well, unfortunately I had to change it, but taste wise I didn't even notice. All I did was eliminate her added sugar to make it Whole30 friendly. Pair this with the Cafe Rio dressing, guacamole, plantain tortillas and chipotle beef. (Ughh, yeah! It's ALL Whole30 friendly!)

Restaurant Style Salsa
28 ounces of tomatoes (whole, or chopped)
2 (10oz) cans of Rotel
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 clove minced garlic
1/2-1 jalapeno chopped
1/4 t salt
1/4 t cumin
1/2 cup cilantro
juice from 1/2 - 1 lime

This is a very large batch, and it is to big for my blender so I blend the tomatoes and Rotel together and then pour half of the mix into a large bowl and set aside. Pulse in the rest of the ingredients, until you reach your desired consistency and then mix all together in the large bowl.
I like to store in Mason jars up to a week in the fridge, and it freezes beautifully!

Fried Campfire Potatoes

Technically these are all Whole30 ingredients, but I am not sure that white potatoes are for me while Whole30-ing. Approved bacon is allowed in small amounts, so this is NOT an everyday meal.. but it's super tasty! This is a great campfire meal as well, just add everything into a tinfoil pouch and throw it onto the fire, oh, delicious!

Fried Campfire Potatoes
1 large potato
half of an onion, chopped
2 slices of bacon, chopped
coconut oil
salt and pepper

Slice potato lengthwise into quarters, and then cut into thin slices.
Add 1 tablespoon to skillet on medium heat, melt. add onions and saute until they start to soften, and then add the bacon pieces. cook for about 1 minute.
Add potatoes and cook for 5-10 minutes until completely soft.
Turn heat to high and cook another 1-3 minutes to crisp up the potatoes.
Season with a little bit of salt and pepper!

Recipe Index

Tomatillo Ranch Dressing
Homemade Mayonnaise
Salsa, Best Ever!

Plantain Tortillas
Coconut Tortillas
Plantain Chips
Almond Bread

Whipped Coconut Cream

Stuffed Jalapenos
Stuffed Mushrooms
Mini Quiche Prosciutto Cups
Chicken Zucchini Poppers
Chicken Nuggets
Meatball in a Mushroom

Creamy Clam Chowder
Artichoke and Shrimp Salad
Crockpot Rotisserie Chicken
Chipotle Beef
Chicken and Avocado Salad
Fried Campfire Potatoes
Stuffed Bells
Twice Baked Squash
Baked Fajitas

Chicken & Avocado Salad

Guys. I just really love avocados and this is one of the best things I have made.
I used the homemade mayonnaise in it, and it turned these avocados into a creamy goodness. I don't even care if you eat it plain, stick it in a tortilla or do something else with it! Super simple, and easy to make!

Chicken & Avocado Salad
1 avocado, chopped (approx. 3/4cup)
1/4 cup homemade mayo
1 chicken breast seasoned with salt and pepper, grilled & chopped
3T chopped cilantro
1t lime juice
1/4t garlic powder
1/4t salt
1/4t pepper

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, and refrigerate until ready to serve.
Eat alone, or serve with a roll, or tortilla.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tomatillo Ranch Dressing (Whole30)

I love everything about Cafe Rio. Their dressing really ties the whole burrito together. Here is a very close spin on the Cafe Rio dressing, and amazingly enough, it's Whole30 friendly!

Cafe Rio Tomatillo Ranch Dressing

1 cup homemade clean mayonnaise
1/2 cup almond milk (silk unsweetened is Whole30 friendly)
1/2 cup coconut milk (canned, not sweetened)
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tomatillos, chopped (If you can't find any under ripe tomatoes with a little extra lime will sub fine, or well ripened tomatoes will taste fine too!)
juice from one lime
1/2 -1 jalapeno, deseeded
1/2 a bunch of cilantro, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 T dried parsley
1 T dried dill
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp dried chives
1 tsp sea salt

Mix coconut milk and almond milk with the lemon juice, set aside.
put everything else in blender or food processor and blend
add the milk mixture slowly while blending.
pour into jar and let sit in fridge over night (or for a couple hours, as least) so flavors can marry.

Original recipe from Whole30 recipes

Chipotle Beef

The other night I promised the missionaries I would make them my Cafe Rio meal, I was a little nervous about this because I love Cafe Rio, I don't make it often, and I live 3000 miles away from them, so I really wanted to partake. I was wondering what I was going to eat? I can't have my homemade cilantro rice, or my homemade refried beans, or cheese, wahhh wahhh. Well, I found this recipe and it was so GOOD! It went great with the Whole30 approved cafe rio sauce, guacamole, salsa, and plantain tortillas.

2 pounds grass fed, organic beef roast
2-3tsp ground chipotle pepper powder
1 cup chopped/minced yellow onion
1/4 cup lime juice
1/4 cup tomato paste
4 garlic cloves, finely minced
1 1/2 T apple cider vinegar
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp oregano
3/4 cup beef broth 
3 bay leaves
1/2 tsp ground cloves

Place roast in bottom of crockpot
combine all ingredients except broth, bay leaves, and cloves
pour over roast, then add broth, bay leaves, and cloves to crockpot
Cover, and cook on low for 7 hours
Shred the beef, and cook 1-2 more hours until super tender

Recipe adapted from Against All Grain

Plantain Tortillas

I know I have said this before but incase you missed it.. I LOVE PLANTAINS. My love started for them years ago when I was in Montego Bay sitting in this gorgeous second story restaurant that didn't have walls and looked out over the ocean. It was awesome. and delicious.
These are seriously good. Not just good because I love plantains in most ways, shape, and form, but these are super freaking good. They are bland so they don't over power any tasty fillers you put in them!

2-3 green plantains
2 egg whites (or 1/3 cup from carton of whites)
1/4c melted coconut oil
1t lime juice
1/2t salt
peel, chop, and puree plantains in food processor, or blender.
add rest of ingredients, and puree again.
   (If bananas are too green, add all the ingredients before pureeing. The liquid will help them blend up if they are too green/dry. The taste will still be awesome though, no worries!)
make thin round circles on parchment paper with batter (use spoon or spatula to spread out)
bake at 350 for 10 min, until edges brown slightly.

These tortillas paired up AhhhhMazzzzinggg with the Cafe Rio dressing, guacamole, salsa, Chipotle beef recipes that are all found in the recipes!

These tortillas might be on the line for some people doing the Whole30 program, I don't believe they take away from the Whole30 'idea', nor do they have any ingredients that are unacceptable. They are good for you, made with approved ingredients, and I believe they fit the program very well! Enjoy!

Recipe adapted from Healthfest. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Homemade Mayonnaise Whole30

My friend recommended this recipe to me. She loved it so I knew I would too. I love mayonnaise. a lot. This really tastes just like mayo, my husband and son even thought so!
Original recipe from Planks Love and Guacamole.

When making this mayo start with 2/3 cup of olive oil, after it is all pulsed in, check it to see if its a good consistency, if you want it thicker add more oil. I only used 2/3cup.

2/3-1cup avocado or light olive oil
1 egg, room temperature
2t lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar
1/2t dijon mustard or dry mustard (optional, I added it! yum!)
Salt and pepper to taste

put everything in the food processor/blender except the oil
pulse a couple times to combine
with lid on, slowly pour oil through hole in top of lid, while constantly pulsing
when all the oil is added its ready!
If you want it thicker add up to 1/3cup more!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mini Quiche Prosciutto Cups (Whole30)

I posted the picture of these tasty Whole30 treats yesterday, and everyone thought they were pretty awesome looking, so here is the recipe, it's not much of a recipe, more of a guideline so make it your own! I adapted this from a different recipe, which I can't find, so you are stuck with mine! Enjoy!

6 eggs
6 slices of prosciutto (no sugar!)
handful of spinach, chop it up!
3 large mushrooms, diced
1 tomato, diced
3T onions, diced
1/4c green pepper, diced
3T cilantro, finely chopped
green onion, finely chopped
(these are approximately the measurements I added to mine, do what you like, add something new, leave something out! Whatever! make it yours!)

preheat oven to 375F
wipe edges of muffin tin with coconut oil.
cut the prosciutto in half lengthwise (two long skinny pieces), and wrap it around the edges of a muffin tin
whip the eggs together and add all the remaining ingredients, except the green onion.
fill each cup 3/4 full
cook for 15 minutes, let cool for 5 minutes, garnish with green onion.

pre-cooked prosciutto quiche. :) 

I had a ton of left over egg mix so I chopped up a couple pieces of approved bacon and placed them in the bottom of a small round cake pan and then poured the egg over the top and baked it for about 30 minutes. not as pretty, but equally as delicious!

pre-cooked bacon quiche. :)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Chicken Zucchini Poppers (Whole30)

This was the very first recipe I made on Whole30 and I was hooked and knew I could handle eating this way! This recipe originated from One Lovely Life, but I made a few changes that met my needs better!

Chicken Zucchini Poppers

1lb ground chicken
2c grated (1 whole zuch) zuchhini
1T dried chives
1-2T dried cilantro
1 clove miced garlic
1/2tsp pepper
1/2tsp cumin
coconut oil for cooking

Mix all inredients in a bowl.
Heat a tablespoon full of coconut oil in a pan on medium heat
roll meat mixture into 1" balls
Cook 4-6 minutes, and then turn over and cook another 4-6 minutes.

Kid approved. Whole30 approved.

Serve with guacamole, salsa, or ranch dip!

Guacamole (Whole30)

Just slap a bunch on top of some meat, who cares what kind! It will be delicious!
Oh man, guys. I have been having 0 cravings but about 10 dreams of accidentally eating ice cream and suckers. Can those things happen on accident? I sure hope not, or (according to my dreams) I will be in big trouble.

This guacamole I am about to share with you is life changing. The recipe is from The Girl Who Ate Everything. She is one of my favorite bloggers, and I have never had one of her recipes fail me, not even a tiny bit. Like, I have been in love with every single food item from her blog. Unfortunately most of them are not Whole30 friendly but that's ok with me because some of them, like this amazing guacamole, are!


4 whole avocados (I only use 3)
1/2 c red onion
2 roma tomatoes, seeded and diced
1/4-1/2 c chopped cilantro (Ummm..the more the better if you ask me!)
1 juiced lime
1tsp minced garlic
half a jalapeno, seeded and diced
salt and pepper to taste

Mix it all together with a fork so it mashes and blends and enjoy!
Keep left overs in an air tight container!

tip: when you cut onions keep a fan on so it blows the gases from the onion away from your eyes!